Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baldy had a great time in PV ;)

Nancy brought Baldy to PV and he was having such a good time she left him for the rest of the winter! It gets pretty cold for such a little guy in Chicago :( He had some amazing adventures that I wanted to share with you. If you are on Facebook you might want to become a friend with Baldy Blank if you are not already. He has been sharing some of his adventures with his Facebook friends. He just flew back to Chicago in time to get his Elvis Tee shirt that Nancy brought him from Graceland (he was very sorry he missed that trip!) then he left yesterday for Nassau with Amy & Jacquie. I am looking forward to those pictures. :) Bonnie already thinks Baldy needs to go to AA ;) it might be even worse after this trip......

Be sure and double click to enlarge the slideshow. You can also adjust the time for each slide.

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